Antenatal Clinic
Our midwife Natalie Bates provides antenatal care on Wednesdays and Fridays every week. It is ESSENTIAL you come into the surgery and fill in the required form as soon as possible so she can contact you to arrange your first appointment.
Download the form to complete (DOCX, 13KB).
Download additional information about the Midwife service (DOCX, 30KB).
Child Health Clinic
A child health clinic is run once a fortnight by the health visitors at the Westfield Sure Start Centre on Rosemary Way. An appointment is needed. Call direct on 0116 215 3217.
Child development checks are carried out here at the practice (by appointment only) by a health visitor or by Dr Howes, Dr Willems and Dr Cairns who have special expertise in this field.
Appointments for child vaccinations are made by the Health Authority on Mondays from 12.15 to 2.30pm.
Asthma Clinic
An asthma clinic is run by the practice nurse by appointment only.
Diabetic Clinic
The diabetic clinic is run by the practice nurse in conjunction with Dr Thuthiyil or Dr Wilson, by pre-arranged appointment only.
Family Planning
A complete range of contraceptive services is offered by the doctors and our specialist nurse during surgery hours (coil fitting, cap fitting and implants require a special appointment).
Well Woman Clinics
Family planning advice and services are provided by the doctors. Smear tests are arranged by appointment. Please ask the receptionist.
Minor Surgery
Your doctor will explain the variety of operations offered. Minor surgery clinics are usually held every week, by appointment.
Carer's Clinics
Carer’s clinics are no longer available from April 2017.
Non-NHS Examinations
For insurance purposes, PSV licences etc, examinations can be arranged by special appointment with the doctor via reception. There are charges for some of these services that are in line with the BMA recommended fees.
We are able to arrange counselling for patients, at the surgery or elsewhere. You should speak to a doctor or specialist nurse first if you think you may need this service.
Travel Immunisations/Vaccinations
We provide information to enable you to protect your health when travelling abroad. To ensure that your health is fully covered before your holiday please download the travel form (DOCX, 35KB), once downloaded complete and return this form to us at least 8 weeks before you travel. If you book after this time we cannot guarantee that you will be fully protected.
For families or couples travelling together please note that you must fill in one form for each patient travelling.
Our specially trained nurses will then review your medical records and draw up recommendations for the NHS vaccinations you require for your trip. The following vaccinations are available on the NHS if they are recommended by the Department of Health for the area you are travelling to:
- Hepatitis A
- Typhoid
- Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio
- Cholera
We will telephone you to make arrangements for you to have these vaccinations at the surgery, if needed.
Please note that our nurses can no longer provide advice about other vaccinations such as Hepatitis B, Rabies, Japanese Encephalitis and also Malaria preventative treatments - these are only available on a private basis, and will need to be booked at a private travel clinic.
Sometimes you will require a course of vaccinations to ensure you are protected, it is vital that you make arrangements for these as soon as possible.
Flu Vaccination
An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes and residents of nursing and rest homes.
Please contact the reception staff in September for details of the vaccination dates and to make an appointment. If you are unable to attend the surgery, a home visit will be arranged to undertake this procedure.